Financial Literacy Classes

Welcome to the Financial Literacy Classes page at Lenawee Family Village. Our goal is to provide homeless families with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve financial independence and security.

Budgeting and Saving Techniques

Our financial literacy classes focus on teaching budgeting and saving techniques to help families manage their finances effectively. Participants will learn how to create a budget, track expenses, and save for future goals.

Working with a Social Worker

Participants in the program will work closely with a social worker to create a personalized plan for financial independence. The social worker will provide support, guidance, and resources to help families achieve their goals and become secure financially.

Free Classes for Program Participants

Our financial literacy classes are open to all and free for those in the program. We believe that financial education is a crucial step towards helping families break the cycle of homelessness and build a stable future.

Ready to take control of your finances?

Contact us today to learn more about our financial literacy classes and how they can benefit you and your family.